Kyra, Johnathon, Shayla, Ariana, Katelynn & Dylan Six Wonders! They keep us going
Sunday, February 28, 2010
The months continue
Already here we are going into March 2010 how quickly time flies. I have to remind myself each day its ok to have somethings left for tomorrow to ease the stress for the day. Rob and I have decided we need a break (really he just knows I am to my breaking point and he better make sure I get one) so next weekend my mom generiously has agreed to take the kids so we can get away. I will be nice spending time together and not waking up to fighting for a day. The kids are doing great enjoying torturing one another and seeing who can last the longest with the fights. No really they are good kids. This summer we will hopefully be moving again, it is in the works and will be interesting to see if we can manage it. The house will be smaller than the one we are renting but the move will be worth it in the end leading up the the bigger one the following year.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
After Four and a half years of seeing a doctor and lots of surgeries for her eyes, I felt something needed to change. I kept having a feeling come to mind to change doctors. I was in Walmart a while ago and saw a fill in doctor and she was telling me about what she does as a peds eye doc. I strongly felt she would be the one to help katelynn and get things going in a positive way. Rob and I took her to see this lady TWO WEEKS ago. At that time we were told her left eye with the help of glasses was seeing 20/20 and the right was pretty much legally blind 2170 and 2200 is blind. She wanted to stop the patching and the dilation drops and do a new technique of physical therapy on the eyes. She had Rob and I try on the glasses we would use on Katelynn so we would see what she would be going through. They were pretty cool. One lens green the other red and you can only see through the green. She sent us home with some games to play as "homework" for the eyes. Katelynn loves doing them and Rob is WONDERFUL at making sure she does them every night. To say the least we had another appointment with her today........ Our prayers have been answered and we are on the right track. The doctor was amazed at the results and had to have them doubled checked. She said in all her years of practice she had NEVER seen such an improvement in such a short period of time. She now sees in the right eye (the bad one) 2050. And her eye is not turning in as much meaning the muscles are becoming stronger. She sent home new homework and we go back in another two weeks. Technology and faith go a long way!!
Monday, February 1, 2010

We started out the new year with Double surgeries. Katelynn (she has decided she is not Katie but Katelynn) and Ariana both had their tonsils out three weeks apart from one another. Dylan needs to have his out but I need a financial break so he will have to wait as much as possible.
The month of January has flown by so quickly! I have not had time to post in three months. To end the first month of a new year.... There I was sitting at a stop sign when out of the blue a Tahoe crashes into me I look over as a wall of glass from the passenger window hits me, followed closely by the mirror. No one was hurt too bad except the car. I ended up with tore muscles in the back and shoulder but nothing I can't handle. The adjuster will be her tomorrow to see what damage is going to cost us. Thankfully she had insurance as well....I will try to get some pictures up.
The kids are going great, wishing for summer to come. I have decided I need a break from school and have taken a leave of absence to get things back under control emotionally and hopefully the stress I feel daily will decrease. Rob thinks I won't continue with my education by taking a break but anyone who knows me knows how stubborn I am so I will continue if I say I will.
As far as I know Rob is doing well, I don't really see him anymore unless one of us has a day off. I know he snores since that is when I do see him the hour before he has to get up and go to work. I told him the other day we need a vacation for at least a week. He has been a great blessing in my life and the lives of our kids, without him I wouldn't be able to accomplish all the things I do. He cooks, cleans, works his body to the bone. At times I don't think he realizes how much we love and appreciate him.
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