Saturday, December 20, 2008

FIVE days till Christmas.......... It seems like the closer it gets the more stressed out I become and the more the kids fight. Ive been so tired of the fighting that I really want to take Christmas away. Luckily for the kids Rob won't let me. I don't know if it just doesn't bother him or what. I had it taken away once when I was growing up......I'm pretty sure we learned our lesson. I even went to the point of undecorated the tree all but the lights (its a pre-lit one). On a lighter note... this year I'm going to do a scavenger hunt with the gifts. We do it for Easter etc. why not Christmas. I found some poems and wrote a few that will give a clue of the location than once they find it they have to bring it back to wait till everyone finds theirs and than we'll open them. I am excited about that part!!! Once I find our USB port for the camera I'll post some pictures.

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